Pálffy Szőlőbirtok és Pince - Köveskál Cover Image

Pálffy Szőlőbirtok és Pince - Köveskál

A brief history

Our vineyard and winery are based on centuries-old family generations, where viticulture and winemaking are passed down from father to son.

Our vineyards are located in the Káli Basin, Köveskál, on the southern slopes of the volcanic Fekete-hegy in the Kishegy, Cserekút, Kisgyepű and Csákvölgy vineyards. On the current 16 ha area, we produce Olaszrizling, Szürkebarát, Traminer, Furmint, Juhfark, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir and Syrah grapes. We set the ideal yield with strict shoot selection and later cluster selection so that we can harvest the best quality grapes at full maturity. We do not use harsh chemicals for plant protection of the vines, we do not use mite and insecticides, or herbicides for weed control. We strive to achieve the biological balance of the vines. The characteristic taste of our wines is favorably influenced by the volcanic soil (basalt, lava and tuff rocks) with its high acid and mineral content.

Our goal is to ensure that the wines of the Káli Basin, once supplied to our Árpád royal family, are once again on the tables of quality wine consumers, and become known and loved.

Pálffy Szőlőbirtok és Pince - Köveskál Wines